Wednesday, July 6, 2016

My Why has Changed...

Tonight, I was watching my little Lexi face light up when she was watching fireworks. She wanted to watch videos after we got home of the firework display and we came across a Disney one. She watched it with such an amazement. Then, asked if we can go. She asked over and over, with the same amazement.
My dream as a little girl has always been to go to Disney. Now having two girls, I can truly see what an experience this will be for them.
As being a coach, my why has certainly changed over the past few years. It started out for me to get in my me time and cover my Shakeology. Then, it turned into covering my car payments, grocery bill, and any extras that came up. Now, I have been able to match my husbands income, which has been helping us to get through this patch in between jobs for my husband.
Now, my new WHY is to get us to Disney. It is definitely something that is going to be worth working for, because I can't wait to surprise them with tickets. I am in this for the long haul as being a coach, mentor, and leader. Being in a business like this, gives you the opportunity to dream, but most importantly make those dreams a reality.
If you had the chance to change your why, what would it be?

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